Discovering the Saint Francis’ Path - La via di Francesco in Toscana

Discovering the Saint Francis’ Path

The pathways
Santuario della Verna
Santuario della Verna

The Saint Francis Path in Tuscany is a system of routes, paths and ways which are up to 300km long.  Starting from the Arezzo province, they extend to nearby regions.

A network of paths, some of which still to be discovered, which pass through valleys and hills and connect the important Tuscan cities to the most isolated retreats of the Franciscan faith.  Decidedly a physical challenge, which can become quite demanding but undoubtedly also a spiritual one for the uncontaminated nature, the retreats and the churches, the monasteries.  The silence: walking along these paths, everything reminds us of Francesco and elevates and encourages us to achieve a renewed and rediscovered spirituality

By bike, by foot or on horseback, these pathways take us back to an ancient world, far away from our modern bustling, often polluted daily life.

Each itinerary differs both in length and intensity, with a wide range of natural, spiritual, and cultural experiences to live through with others, with your partner, or alone, choosing to travel in total autonomy within the territory.